Archive for September 3rd, 2008

Cómo compilar Google Chrome en Linux

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

Ya es posible compilar Google Chrome, el nuevo navegador de Google, en GNU/Linux. En la página se dan instrucciones de cómo hacerlo. (En inglés)

Build Instructions (Linux)

This page describes how to build the Chromium browser in Linux. Read this if you’re interested in testing the build or porting code.
Note: There is no working Chromium-based browser on Linux. Although many Chromium submodules build under Linux and a few unit tests pass, all that runs is a command-line “all tests pass” executable.


1. 1 Prerequisites
2. 2 Getting the code
3. 3 Building
4. 4 Troubleshooting


Note: Our intent is that you should be able to build Chromium on any reasonably modern Linux distribution, and we try to list prerequisites as explicitly as we can. However, please bear in mind that the Linux port is in its early stages, and our opportunity to test on a multiple Linux distributions has been limited. Internally, our development platform has been a variant of Ubuntu 8 (Hardy Heron); we expect you will have the most luck on this platform.

Building on Linux requires the following software:

* Subversion >= 1.4 (note: if you use the tarball below, due to an oversight, you’ll need 1.5. we’ll fix this.)
* pkg-config >= 0.20
* Python >= 2.4
* Perl >= 5.x
* gcc/g++ >= 4.2
* bison >= 2.3
* flex >= 2.5.34
* gperf >= 3.0.3
* libnss3-dev >= 3.12

On Ubuntu 8, you can fetch all of the above as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install subversion pkg-config python perl g++ bison flex gperf libnss3-dev

Getting the code

1. Pick a directory for your build.

We will call this directory $CHROMIUM_ROOT throughout this document.

2. Get depot_tools.

$ svn co depot_tools

(or, download the .tar.gz file: depot_tools_linux.tar.gz)

To keep these instructions self-contained, we’ll assume that your depot_tools directory lives in your build directory, but it doesn’t have to — it can be placed anywhere, added to your PATH, etc.

3. Check out Chromium.

As a temporary workaround due to high interest today, try downloading a snapshot of an SVN checkout to bootstrap from. Untar it, then follow the instructions to update from there. You’ll end up with the equivalent of what running a full gclient sync does.

$ export LANG=C # temp workaround for gclient behavior

$ ./depot_tools/gclient config
$ ./depot_tools/gclient sync
Note: By default, the depot_tools will automatically update to the latest version every time you run gclient. See the depot_tools page if you want to disable this behavior.

To build the current Linux subset of Chromium:

$ cd $CHROMIUM_ROOT/src/chrome
$ ../third_party/scons/ Hammer

Executables created during the build process will be placed in $CHROMIUM_ROOT/src/chrome/Hammer.


sh: d: not found while processing Hammer/webkit/WebCore/xml/XPathGrammar.y

You do not have bison installed. We are patching our build scripts to catch this earlier and in a friendlier way, but the changelist might not have landed by the time you read this.

Alex Celi